What is the kingdom of darkness
What is the kingdom of darkness

To begin with, lets look at some relevant verses to help support the case that I will be making. The scriptures speak of something a lot more serious. They believe that the believers that will stand before Christ after the Rapture will only be congratulated, or at the most scolded for lack of service. Many believe that the Judgement Seat of Christ is just a rewarding seat. Too many teachers of the Word fail to grasp the full weight of what awaits a believer at the Judgement Seat of Christ when they have lived a life of unfaithfulness.

what is the kingdom of darkness what is the kingdom of darkness

In reality, this interjection is quite appropriate because we are just about to discuss the end result of Cain's lack of faithfulness to God, and by typological implication, the end result of an unfaithful believer's life that was lived for themselves. I think that now would be a good time to pause in our study of the typology of Cain and Abel to interject a word study on Outer Darkness.

What is the kingdom of darkness